"...Stephanie Genito is a quirky and funny Maureen, the role originated by Idina Menzel, and she finds laughs and idiosyncratic moments that, in my experience, I have never quite seen before. It also helps that Genito is a strong singer and her combative duet with her girlfriend Joanne in the second act, 'Take Me or Leave Me,' is
a knockout."
- Zander Opper; Talkin' Broadway
Rent at The Ivoryton Playhouse
"...and Stephanie Genito was a sophisticated, very funny Maureen."
"Genito as Maureen lays it on thickly as the brazen, cheeky, self assured, and flirtatious artist whose rendition of 'Over the Moon' was sidesplittingly Over-the-top in the best of ways."
-Stephanie C. Lyons-Keeley; Pillow Talk
"The rather mix-matched couple of Maureen and Joanne are played spot-on with great chemistry respectively, Stephanie Genito and Maritza Bostic."
- Wayne Keeley; Pillow Talk
"The two lesbian characters...are excellently played by Maritza Bostic and Stephanie Genito. 'Take Me or Leave Me' is gut wrenching...
Stephanie has many dramatic moments especially in Angel's death scene, but she is a hoot in her solo 'Over the Moon...'"
- Tony Annicone; The Theater Mirror
"The Ivoryton has gathered an exceptional cast for this show...standouts vocally are Maureen
(Stephanie Genito, perfectly cast)..."
- Erica Tannen; The-E-List
Chicago at
Middleton Players Theatre
"[Genito] nails Velma's flashy exterior, as well as her vulnerability."
- Laurie Stark; The Isthmus